Gathan’s Good Sense, July 2023

Have you heard someone say “they stole my idea”? Me too. I am an idea guy myself – full of random thoughts for lots of random things. And I don’t mind sharing those ideas.

Ideas are meant to be born and raised, whether it is by you or someone else. They are not to be born of single-parent households, where one person determines their path. They are meant to be shared amongst others for the betterment of our lives. Ideas help us progress and improve humanity.

So when people say “they stole my idea”, what they really mean is they wish they would have taken the time to put that idea into motion. This is one of the separating factors of successful people – they now how to implement an idea.

Ideas are thoughts or suggestion to a possible course of action – the recommendation.

Implementation is the process of putting a decision or plan into effect – the execution.

Ideas are a dime a dozen. Ideas come and go. Implementation takes you from concept to reality. Don’t get caught up in the idea, but instead go forward and get focused on the implementation.

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